How to give a cat a pill

Monday, September 16, 2013

Cats can be difficult to administer oral medications. Occasionally they will eat a pill in a treat, such as pill pockets, or in food. See the following video for some pointers about how to administer oral medication. If you are placing the pill in their mouth it often helps to wrap it in a small piece of pill pocket or even butter to mask the bitter taste

About Shanna Ewert

Dr. Ewert was raised in Warsaw. She attended Ball State University for her undergraduate degree. She is also a 2004 graduate of Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine where she tracked small animals. Dr. Ewert practiced at a 5 doctor veterinary clinic in Deland Florida for 8 years after graduation before moving back home to Indiana. She is married, has 5 children, and 3 cats.

Friendly environment, friendly staff, phone calls, updates on treatment, communication with patients.
